Thanks. I think I found its homepage, is it the same as this? That looks like part of Gnome, so should be open source too. (It’s maybe available in your operating system without needing a flatpak, if you would prefer it that way)
Thanks. I think I found its homepage, is it the same as this? That looks like part of Gnome, so should be open source too. (It’s maybe available in your operating system without needing a flatpak, if you would prefer it that way)
I’m not familiar with warp, and couldn’t find it with a search. But I did find magic wormhole, and it appears to be MIT licensed, so it is open source. I also searched and found it, so definitely open source.
As for firewalls: it might only block incoming connections, or has an exception for LAN hosts. I’d have to see the configuration to say more.
Yeah, the search terms seem to have an HTTP 302 redirect to the domain’s home page.
Searching for “diversityy” shows unredacted results for the word “diversity” as if it had automatically corrected the spelling, bolding the corrected search term.
I think that page is different software from magic wormhole (and warp). It just has a similar name. does appear to be proprietary.