No games that lead to players being pissed at other players, even outside of the confines of the game. I’ve had that happen with, for example, Secret Hitler, so no Secret Hitler.
The Mind seems to do that. Hanabi does it to an extent.
Nemesis and Dead Cells are the board games doing that for me right now. Nemesis is semi cooperative, but there are full co-op objectives if you don’t wanna play versus. Dead Cells is completely co-op. Both have resulted in good stories and experiences that stay with you after the game is done in my friend group.
Arkham Horror 3rd Edition — NOT the LCG.
I recently got Moonrakers, and it is 10/10 in my opinion. It can be competitive, and the rules certainly support backstabbing and sabotage, but it can be played very cooperatively. There is a winner, but you could even modify the rules to “try to get everyone to 10 prestige in x number of rounds” instead of first to 10 wins.
Spirit island is my favorite game to play with a group. It has you trying to protect an island from colonists who damage the island with their expansions. Each player has different abilities that force you all the work together & requires a lot of teamwork to win especially some of the higher difficulties.
I guess it is better to go for games that are cooperative and where everyone can contribute how they can without pressure. So I would suggest strategy games where everyone decides together what to do and all the players are united against the game, but in a way that it’s harder to put the blame on someone if they fail to do what’s expected of them (Ex : Hanabi). Here are some of my favourites that corresponds to this :
Forbidden Desert
If you like Horrified, you should try and track down the Ravensburger Wonder Woman game. Similar style but has an awesome mechanic to prevent coop quarterbacking.
Players strategize using a set of face up cards, but receive some face down cards afterward and have to program 3 actions using the whole set without communicating, adapting plans based on the newly revealed cards. Then each action plays out simultaneously for all players. It makes sense in action and is really quite elegant. I’m a big fan.
Ouhhh that’s interesting. I love Horrified, it is one of my favourite game, but unfortunately I often end uo quaterbacking while I would prefer people sharing their thoughts. Will check this one out for sure, thanks for the suggestions !
Ping me back with your thoughts if you find yourself a copy!
I really like Mysterium. It’s kinda cooperative, but players also work independently. The premise is that one player is a ghost, and the rest of the players are psychic detectives who have their own vision of how the murder happened. The ghost gives out clues using surreal, dream-like cards for the psychics to figure out their personal guess on what the weapon, location and murderer was. At the end the ghost gives clues to which psychic was right.
I personally like it because it isn’t just logic and strategic thinking, you have to use your creative/artistic part of your brain as well, if not moreso.
Mansions of Madness. It’s my wife’s new favorite game. The game has many different scenarios and they play out pretty differently each time. The game is almost all co-op, so it’s players VS. the game. I was actually against the need for an app at first but it simplifies a lot and helps keep track of a lot of the mundane stuff.
I don’t know if I’d considered it a board game, but the Forbidden Island game (and the others like it) spring to mind. The idea is that you and the other players have to work together to gather everything you need including the treasure you came for before the island you’re on sinks into the ocean.
It’s fun working together and I always thought it did a good job of incentivising that.
Seconding Forbidden Island/Desert/Sky. Island is what I break out to introduce new folks to co-op gameplay, then switch to Desert once they get the hang of it.
Pandemic hits a lot of the same notes, and can get really hairy at the end.