Today’s game is Ghostbuster’s the Video Game (and is in fact not a sponsorship from Doritos). I’ve had this game on disk after getting it a yard sale (which as a side note is such a fun way of finding games. If you collect retro games I’d highly recommend looking for them. It makes me a bit sad that physical games have been dying). It also got it along with a Japanese copy of Okami, Mortal Kombat, and the God of War collection all for around $10. Since I got my PS3, and I’m still waiting on my PC parts before playing anymore PC games. I’m just waiting on my Motherboard. My CPU arrived today. it’s used (but was promised to work), and a few pins were bent it seems, not too badly though. I’m going to try it, and if it doesn’t work seek a refund. fingers crossed it works though. I’m really excited to put this thing together. I’d really like to christen this PC with Alan Wake II as that was the target game. It would only seem appropriate.
Moving back to the game, I took this screenshot in the lobby of the first level. The Dorito advertisement caught me by surprise, but it’s also kind of fun. I find a sort of joy in the era of video games with odd product placement. Alan Wake had it with its Energizer and Verizion ads and it was fun to see (for me personally, it also made the world feel a bit more realistic too. That’s not to say it’s a bad thing the practice was stopped or anything though.) Looking it up, this design looks to be accurate the design used in there time the game is supposed to take place in (1991 I think?). It’s a really cool detail.
The game looks really good in some spots. It has full on reflections in some places, such as the hotel. It looked surprisingly good, though I don’t know if it was my PS3 just needing the thermal Paste/Pads replaced (it runs at around 70º in game, which sounds healthy, especially for it’s age) or the game was just that intensive, but my PS3 kept randomly starting to ramp the fans up to max and it sounded like a jet engine.
I also had this humorous bug in a room where I broke a table but the glasses were floating. I like to imagine it’s the work of a ghost.
This game also, surprisingly, had water for me to rate. Rating water in video games is something I love doing. The game has a section where a torrent of water comes rushing at you. I give this spectral water a solid 7.5/10. I would be willing to drink it.
After it floods though, I probably wouldn’t be willing to drink it. Still, it looks pretty and is still a 7.5/10 for me:
While exploring the station, I also found the Painting from the second film. I say “found” but really it’s in plain sight. I just walked past it like 12 times while exploring:
Furthermore, it felt like the station was really fleshed out. It had a lot of pieces of artwork and things that made it really just feel like it was lived in, like these drawings of slime:
or this thank you board-note-thingy(?) from a class:
There was also this back alley you can see from a window that gave me heavy Max Payne flashbacks. it looks like an area that would be in the game:
Overall it’s a really interesting game. I don’t know much about it, I have heard it’s kind of short though. I also heard there’s a multiplayer mode, though idk if the servers are still up on PS3. There’s the remaster, but last I heard they scrapped multiplayer which was disappointing, but the single player is really fun, especially if you were raised on Ghostbusters religiously like I was growing up lol.
I remember playing this a few years ago on my pc, it was really fun, good to see you enjoying it too :-) I remember expecting it to be utter trash, since most games based on movie licences are, but was positively surprised.
The water rating is fun :-) i had a phase where i collected screenshots of rats in computer games, it was interesting how different they looked!
I did the same thing with rats for a while! It’s fun seeing someone who did the same thing. I have one screenshot from ages ago from Assassin’s Creed Black Flag where no NPCs spawned except for one or two, instead it was just a ton of rats. That one was always one of my favorites right next to Halo 3’s rats
I enjoyed this one a lot when it came out. The levels can be kind of repetitive and the game is on the shorter side but the story is good and it’s nice to hear the original actors.
I was reading up on reviews for fun after playing and that seemed to be the general consensus
I really liked this game and I’m a fan of the first two movies. The original cast is here doing the voice acting, also Dan Akroyd and Harrold Ramis helped write it. Akroyd said it’s the closest thing to getting a third movie and I agree. If you are a big fan, you will likely enjoy this game. I played it on PC.
I grew up on The Movies and The Real Ghostbusters, It definitely feels like a ghostbusters movie. Honestly the only thing that takes me out of it is the Lip Syncing being a little off, and even then that’s not that big of a problem, especially for an older game